To touch on my objectives and intentions as an artist, I will share that in my opinion, technology can never replace art but rather, it can act as a set of tools for further or unique expressions. I find myself continuously inspired by the intersection of art and technology, particularly in animated environments. In all projects I see myself as a digital designer who is a translator. I try my best to be the language of transmitting the message with designs that are taken from shapes, especially abstract geometric shapes. Shapes substituted with language: geometry shapes are used for description instead of language. Each language has its concepts and boundaries. Differences in translations between different languages have created cultural misconceptions. But shapes do not have any limitation and boundaries. I have consistently respected minimal surface, geometric patterns and motion /static designs, as a primary element of my work process. This repetition may manifest in my choice of media (digital art) or my approach in deploying media (illustration, motion graphics design, wearable design). My attraction to these shapes and my experiences of reading mathematics and engineering have influenced my artistic practice unconsciously.
This part includes practice-computational design , minimal surface and wearable design
This part includes graphic designs mostly in form of geometric pattern designs and other forms.
This part includes all motion graphic designs mostly in form of geometric pattern designs and business works.
The installation art used to describe large-scale, mixed-media constructions, often designed for String Art , Digital installation and Fiber.