Emergent behavior in computational design

Marziah Zad 
Sara Rajabzadeh

Digital Morphogenesis​​​​​​​

The goal of this design was to systematically explore the outer and inner limits of surface modelling, application and invention. This project is essentially an exercise in reverse mapping, where behavioral abstraction precedes the artifact and dictates the form. Mapping basically transfers information from one state to another, and in this context, our chosen system of translation was mechanical.
We took a basic technique used in garment sewing the dart, as it is understood in it’s raw, planimetric, mechanical state, and applied this abstraction towards material surface modelling, thus superimposing a generative potential onto the pure technique.
We used this strategy to generate associative 3 dimensional forms from collapsed patterns. Collectively, the associative morphologies translate into a functional, wearable product. The result is a product that is at once itself, and a 3 dimensional descriptive diagram of itself.​​​​​​​
